MCE Meets With Ejura Zongo Chiefs and Elders to Discuss COVID-19 Ban Directives

On Thursday April 23, 2020, the MCE for Ejura Sekyedumase Alhaji Mohammed Salisu Bamba together with his MCD Alhaji Mohammed Issifu Fawei met with Sarkin Zongo, Alhaji Suraj Alhassan and the Imaans in the Ejura Sekyedumase municipality led by Sheikh Ishaak who represented the chief imaan, Sheikh Alhaji Mustapha Abubakar to discuss issues concerning this years Tafsir on our radio station at the Ejura Municipal Assembly Hall.

The issues to discuss were related to the President’s directive on the ban social and public gathering as a preventive measure for COVID-19 infection spread.

As a muslim, the MCE pledged his support for this years Tafsir on the various radio stations within the municipality and also announced getting them airtime on the various radio stations out of his own coffers for the entire month of Ramadan.


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