ESMA’s Executive Committee Meeting

The Department attended the Executive committee meeting held on 11th May, 2023 at the Municipal Chief Executive Office.  The Sub-committees of the Assembly presented their reports for discussions and recommendations for onward submission to the general Assembly meeting for approval and acceptance.

The Committees that presented their reports were Development Planning, Justice and Security, Finance and Administration, Social Services, Transport, among others.  Some of the areas that were presented were:

  1. The General Assembly should approve the implementation of Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) between the assembly and Anyinasu Traditional council to accept private participation in the development of the Anyinasu Water Falls to boost tourist attraction in the Municipality
  2. The Assembly should construct a new kraal or repair the current one for the environmental health officers to keep arrested stray animals
  3. The Community Water and Sanitation Agency should submit a report on the redevelopment of the Ejura Water Systems.
  4. The Assembly should support the restocking of the Blood Bank of Ejura Government Hospital through Institutional blood Donation exercise.
  5. The Assembly should approve for management to undertake a lock-out exercise on Assembly’s stores tenants who are refusing to pay for the new rate.


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